June 22, 2009

Questions about Epilepsy

Girls, I have a concern! Two of my uncles have had epilepsy... and I am a little concerned: is it hereditary? what are the chances? what are the options? I am supposed to speak with a genetic counselor, but I need to find out a few things about it myself first! I have just started doing my own little research and would appreciate any input from you all! Since we are headed towards an IVF, it will be nice to have our bases covered! Thank you so much!


  1. good question! Can't wait to hear what you find out. Someone very near and dear to my hear (my Godmother) had epilepsy.

  2. Here is what I know...IF one paretn has epilepsy, chances go up about 5% for the child having it. If both parents have it, risks rise by about 20+%. Risks do not appear to rise if other relatives have it.

    Confirmed my knowledge here.

    Hope this helps.


  3. Returning your visit to my bloghouse earlier this week. Happy ICLW!!! I don't think there's anything wrong with consulting with a genetic counselor. I'm doing IVF in August...will you perhaps be joining me?

    Eve (infertilityrocks.wordpress.com)

  4. Well, it is a good idea to collect as much information as possible. Alas, I have zero idea about the question you have put forward...

    Good Luck - finding answers, and for the IVF cycle!


  5. I can't help, but I can send (((hugs))) and hopes that you get the information you need---and information that will put any fears to rest.


  6. Hi I can't help but i have the feeling it won't be a reason of concern. Wishing you a very happy ICLW week, Fran


  7. Not sure but I guess your doctor will know. Here's to having babies for all of us (hopefully) in 2010!

  8. Let me start with an apology, I have seen your comments on my blog a few times and I ASSUMED YOU WERE SOMEONE ELSE!!! I have a friend who is "bb and mtb" and I assumed she changed her handle!!!

    I'm sorry I've been ignoring/neglecting you - it was NOT intentional!

    I just wanted to chime in and say that I know NOTHING of Epilepsy ... so I have no wisdom for you.

    But I am VERY excited about your upcoming/in-progress IVF cycle!!! I can't wait to see your results! And to be honest - I'm surprised they are starting you off with 300 given you're PCOS ... did they give you high doses on your injects and maybe you didn't overrespond? ... Sorry, not trying to scare you - I'm sure they know what they are doing!

    GL and I look forward to walking through this cycle with you!


  9. Hope your appt with the genetic counseler goes well!!!

  10. I don't know much about epilepsy, I'm sorry.

    Thanks for your comments on my blog. As far as athletic girls having a hormone imbalance - what I've heard is that very athletic women can become annovulatory due to very low body fat. I'm not too worried because my body fat and my weight are well within the normal range and I've been through all the hormone tests, etc., and I'm not annovulatory. But if you happen to have any more info about it, feel free to let me know!

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. I don't know anything about epilepsy, so sorry, no advice here...

    I did just want to thank you for your comments and support lately. It really meanth so much.

    Wishing you good luck with your impending IVF cycle...

  13. Sorry I have no words of wisdom to share about epilepsy.

    Wishing you and DH all the best with your cycle! :)

