October 16, 2009

Off to a 3 hour Glucose Screening...

My GD results back at the OB's office came back higher than we would have liked it to be (144)! So, I am off to the 3 hour Glucose Tolerance Test tomorrow morning! Not something I had hoped for, but I guess I am willing to check and take every possible step to keep this safe! Wish me luck!


  1. Good luck! I have heard of lots of people coming back questionable on the one hour test and then doing fine on the 3 hour test. Hope you are one of the lucky ones!

  2. How'd you get on with the GTT? I really hope it all went well.

  3. Hope it's been good news? Good luck, anyway.

  4. hope your test went well...ive been through one and they can be an absolute pain, especially when its hard to get blood out of you one time let alone three!!

  5. Checking in to see how your glucose test went. Sending positive thoughts your way!
