August 6, 2009

Beta Result...


OMG… I really don’t know where to start! Yes, I caved and POAS two days ago (7DP5DT)… and it was a faint positive… of course I tested again yesterday (8DP5DT) and it was a darker line! I have barely been able to sleep with anxiety for the past two nights! Besides never ever seeing a 2nd line on the pee stick (not even on OPK since I don’t ovulate with my PCOS), I also had some bitter taste of beta during the May IUI (#3)… my HCG started out at 8 and plateaued at 25 (before going down)! I could not believe myself till I had the beta results (today at 9DP5DT)! I was hoping to see at least something between a 75 and 100 (since it was being detected by the pee stick)! And here it is 202! My nurse said it is in between a singleton and twin pregnancy, but of course nothing can be said for sure at this point of time. And now, I have been finding myself thinking a few months ahead and then shooting myself down. “No BB… you are only allowed to think a few days ahead!” I go in again on Saturday (August 8, 2009) for the 2nd beta and then a week from Saturday (or more like Friday) will be the 3rd beta and 1st u/s (it is too early to see a heart beat at 5 weeks)! Okay, I am going to stop at that! I can’t think of anything beyond a week! I am so happy and excited, yet so freakin’ nervous, scared and cautious!!!

I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all the support and encouragement! I wouldn’t have survived without it! This is the farthest I have been in this process and I can’t thank the Almighty enough for giving me this opportunity and for the 5 snow babies!! My DH is a sweetheart and I love him to death for supporting me through this and bearing with my tantrums! There is a very long way to go, and I am hoping and praying that this “P” progresses! Good luck to all my fellow IF buddies… I am praying for you to get your BFP real soon! And all you pregger gals out there, you give me a lot of hope and inspiration and I am praying for a healthy pregnancy for you all!


  1. wahhhhhhhhooooooooooooo!!

    Beautiful number. I am sooooo happy for you.

    We could be pregnant buddies.

  2. YAY!!! Celebration!!!

    I am so stinkin' HAPPY for you.


    I can't wait to hear Saturday's news too!

  3. WOHOO and YEEHAW!!! This is fantastic news!!! And such a nice HIGH number! I am thrilled for you and your husband!

  4. Yeah Congratulations!!!!!!!! 202 is awesome.


    Can't wait to hear more!

  6. CON-GRAT-U-LATIONS!!! I'm so so SO happy for you! Yay!!

  7. Whoo hoo! Congrats on such a stellar number!! Keep taking it one day at a've got to savor it all!

  8. Honestly I nearly peed myself when I read this, I'm that excited for you. Congratulations.

  9. OMG OMG OMG ... yeah!!! :) So happy for you - now you've given me hope. Congrats!!!!

  10. I would like to award you with the Lovely Blog award again. :)

  11. I'm so soo sooo happy for you!! Fran

  12. thank you for the award. sorry, it's a little late! congrats on your BFP!! awesome number!! here's to a happy and healthy 9 months!

  13. Congrats, that's so exciting! Swing by and pick up another Lovely Blog Award:)

  14. YAY!!! congratulations! i'm so excited for you!!! so so excited!!

  15. Holy crap!!! Where have I been? I guess with my mom in town I've been a bit distracted! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!

  16. Wonderful, amazing, fantastic NEWS!!!! So happy for you!!!
