January 22, 2010

28W1D - Cervix & Growth Scan Update

First of all 'Thank You' for all your encouraging comments and support. I am sorry, I might not have replied back to you personally (since I am slacking a little with blogging)... but I am still reading your comments and posts, and they mean a lot to me.

Here is a brief update...

01/15/10 Cervix: 1.8 cm

01/20/10 fFN (@ OB): Negative

01/20/10 OB Update: There is a possibility of me getting on to medications (pills not insulin) for GD at my next visit (02/03/10)... my values have been steadily rising recently (started monitoring since 14W)!

01/22/10 Cervix: 1.9/2.0 cm!! The cervix has been going down by ~0.3 cm each week... so this was totally unexpected! I know things can go in any direction, but this is a momentary relief!

01/22/10 Growth: Baby Boy is weighing 2 lbs 8 oz and Baby Girl is weighing 2 lbs 12 oz at 28W1D!! I hope they keep growing at this rate and get stronger day by day!

The hospital I go to does not perform cervix scans after 28W... so this was our last one (unless things change drastically - major contractions/labor/fFN)... the next growth scan will be in 3 weeks (02/12/10). This will be the longest I will have gone w/o an u/s since the NT scan (12W) and first cervix scan (16W). And I am willing to wait - cause that would mean that things are relatively stable. When I enquired with my OB and the MFM, they said that one is not admitted at this stage for a (super) shortened cervix, unless it is accompanied by major contractions or labor or positive fFN. So, for now the bedrest, HUAM and medication (Procardia) continues. I can't thank my Mom and DH enough for making the bedrest (4 weeks now) as smooth as it has been.

January 12, 2010


This post has been long over due. I was hoping to write a long post, but laying down and typing gets a "little" difficult... so I am going to have to go with bullets!

  • So, after the cervix scan (with a measurement of 2.5 cm) during Christmas, we decided that I was going on a self imposed bedrest. That was one of the most anxious weeks in a very long time! I was counting days to the next u/s (New Years eve - Dec 31) and was hoping my cervix wasn't doing anything crazy. For some reason, I had this feeling I was going to end up in the hospital and I kind of got in to this nesting phase where I had to get things done (especially all the bills, insurance, home stuff etc).

  • On 31st, during the scan the cervix hadn't changed much (2.4 cm), but the MFM thought that there was some dynamic change happening and they decided to put me on monitoring (Tocometer)! They started me on Procardia (4 times a day - every 6 hours). I received my first shot of the steroid on 31st (I was more than happy to take that - because it meant that it would boost the babies lung development). My husband got to stay with me at the hospital, so it wasn't that bad. I was released after the second shot and the fFN test on the New Years with strict bedrest instructions and home monitoring.

  • I have been set up with HUAM - Home Uterine Activity Monitor. I have to put the monitor on twice a day for 1 hour each. The data is recorded and then is sent over to a health clinic which calls me back to give me an update about how many contractions I have had. If there are more than 4 contractions in an hour during a repeat monitoring event or if I am feeling uneasy, the doctor is contacted (touch wood - we haven't had to do that so far). I have realized that I can pretty much pin point a contraction... and I could tell those even before the hospital visit - it was just that I couldn't classify them as a "contraction" back then. During a contraction my belly gets really stiff... mostly on one side more than the other and I get breathless... as if I am choking and I can feel my heart racing, and blood flowing in to my head! Most of the times the contractions seem to be under control with the medication, but there are times when my uterus is extra active. In such a case I am advised to drink even more water than I usually drink (which has been between 5-6L daily - I just get that thirsty) and things seem to stabilize.

  • Along with all this new routine... our insurance changed on 1/1/10! I had nightmares about the hospital/pharmacy creating issues about the new insurance (because we still have not received the permanent id card with an appropriate id #)... but things are under control (after several phone calls). So far, the insurance seems to be having a similar coverage (like our previous one)... but only time will tell (i.e. we do/don't receive bills in mail)!

  • So, right now I am in to my 3rd week of bedrest... food had been a little bit of a problem... but we some how managed. Poor husband has been working extra hard and I feel bad that I have not been able to help him. My Mom came over today and will be staying with us (for a couple of months) until after the babies are born (which I hope is still 8-10 weeks away). My Dad joins us in February. So things will hopefully be a little easier on the home front.

  • On a lighter note... when we checked in to the hospital and were going through some initial Q/A... one of the questions asked by (a young *hot*) doctor was "when was the last time you had intercourse?" Haha... my answer was July! To which she was like "whoaw" followed by a foxy look at my husband!

  • Currently, I am going in for weekly u/s. At the last u/s on 01/08, the cervix measured 2.2 cm. The next visit is this Friday 01/15 for cervix and 01/22 for cervix and growth scan. I am seeing the OB every 2 weeks as well. I have requested a 2nd fFN test at the next OB appointment on 01/20. The current routine continues, unless there are any crazy changes in between!

January 1, 2010

Hospital Visit - Quick Update

Just a quick update... I will post in detail later.

I had my follow up cervix scan yesterday morning and the cervix had not changed much... just a 0.1 cm less than a week ago (which could just be a margin of error)... though the tech and doc thought that I was having some contractions and the cervix is dynamically changing... so they decided to send me to the Perinatal Evaluation and Testing (PET) section of the hospital for couple of hours of monitoring. They hooked me up to monitors gave me a shot to reduce the contractions... the contractions reduced but kinda came back with in an hour... so they decided that I was getting the steroid shot (to boost babies lungs) and was going to start some pills (4 times a day) to reduce the contractions. I forgot the name of the medication, I will put that up when I post in detail. So we ended up staying overnight. We did the FFN test this morning and are awaiting the results. I hope they come back negative! If they are negative, most likely I will be going home this evening after the second steroid shot! As of now the babies and I are doing well.

Happy New Year to all!

*** Update ***
FFN result came back negative. Got back home January 1st evening, just exhausted and overwhelmed, will post in detail tomorrow (Sunday 3rd).