April 22, 2009

My Pomegranates (& Garnets)

I thought I would look around a little bit more before I decided on buying one. I was going to be very busy this (particular) weekend since I was having a (undergrad friends) reunion. I was really looking forward to it! My friends were flying in from all over the country and we were supposed to meet up for dinner before the weekend long party started. After relishing some great food at a Thai restaurant, my Greek friend gifted me a box… I skipped a heart beat when I opened the box. The souvenir had two pomegranates on it and she mentioned that it is a symbol of fertility and prosperity in Cyprus (her home country)! She had no idea that I am going through fertility treatment (till then) and I had been looking for a charm! I couldn’t thank her enough… for how much this meant to me. I mentioned to her about my treatment… she has PCOS too! I loved to admire the pomegranates before I took my shot that night! Is this a sign that there will be a miracle?

Eventually, I actually went to the mall (with my hub) and bought a garnet ring (my birthday present ;)). Garnet is supposed to help with and is a sign of fertility (http://www.articlesbase.com/women's-issues-articles/fertility-gems-and-stones-for-valentines-day-gift-giving-98245.html). Whether these charms help or not, whether I get pregnant or not, this truly is a life changing experience and I am hoping to cherish these charms for years to come.

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