September 6, 2009

Spotting and Graduation Update

Just an update…

After the event last weekend, there has been no major bleeding so far (and I hope it stays that way)… though I have had some brown spotting (and I guess brown is not as bad as red!) The more active I am, the more the spotting, so I am trying to rest as much as possible. Thank you for all your comments and information!!

I had an u/s on Friday, September 04, 2009 at 8W1D. The babies measured on target and the heartbeats were in 160’s! I spoke to my RE about the bleeding and he didn’t seem (much) worried since the babies were doing fine. He said it (subchorionic bleeding) is common and normally doesn’t cause any major issues with the pregnancy. So I am trying to trust him, just like I have so far. And I guess I didn’t mention this earlier but September 01, 2009 was my last day of PIO and my progesterone still looked good on the Friday b/w… so that is good to know!

Friday was also my last day at the RE’s! I have officially graduated to an OB. My first OB appointment is September 15… and I am very anxious with this whole waiting period! I feel like if something were to happen I have nowhere to go. On the other hand, the last day at the RE was bitter sweet! I hope I never ever have to go back to them (cause I WANT to be blessed with healthy twins 7 months from now)... but they helped us achieve something we couldn’t do on our own and I can’t thank them enough! This is a milestone amongst the several milestones we need to cross in the next 6-7 months! (Note: If you live in the northeast/tri-state area and are looking for a good IF clinic, I would definitely (highly) recommend the one I have been too... drop me an email (listed on the sidebar) for more details!)

Labor Day weekend is a staycation for us and I am enjoying chilling out at home and hanging out with friends. I can’t believe summer is over! Time sure does fly!


  1. Thanks for your post on my blog. It's helpful to know that someone who went through subchorionic hematoma is still safely carrying two healthy babies!

  2. So glad that the bleeding is better! Yay for reaching another milestone too!

  3. Happy Graduation!

    FYI, if you did need to see someone before the OB appointment, I'm sure your RE would see you, and your OB probably would too. But, you won't need that. :)

  4. Glad you are doing well and the docs aren't concerned. Take it easy! And congrats on graduating. Time for "normal" doc appointments - will there ever be such a thing?!?

  5. congrats on your graduation! congrats on your healthy babies! :)
    We are also doing the staycation and it's been wonderful to just chill out, and nap!!!
