March 26, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday!!

Happy 2nd Birthday to my twin Cup Cakes!! :)

March 19, 2012

24 months Update!

Our little babies have transformed in to these toddlers who like to go run down the slope with older kids, climb up a huge play set in our tot-lot, and mimic anything we say or do.

My bedrest (the whole of third trimester), just seems like a fleeting past. And the IF journey which has brought us to this stage a distant memory. I can still empathize with an IF, and wouldn't think of myself anything other than an IF... but the aches and pains are overshadowed by the beautiful smiles and heart warming calls for Mamma and Dadda! It's been almost 3 years since I have been home, and I have loved every minute of it without a doubt of why I left my job!

Between their first birthday and 18 months, there seemed to be a huge transformation... they left behind their babyhood in that span! But they have become big people in true sense, since their 18 month birthday!

-We back seat drive already (stop, slow, careful, oops)!

-We can identify our community/house, costco (from three different roads), some other landmarks that we usually pass while driving around.

-We can identify, red, blue, green, pink, purple colors. Blue is RM's favorite, and RT shows preference to green.
-We pretend play with doll house, house, have music sessions, love making food in our kitchen, race car arounds, play basketball.

-We perfectly arrange our shoes in a line on our own.
-We will not leave the bathroom without shutting off the lights on our own.

-We will get you your towel after you shower (lol - if they get to come in while I am showering).

-We can pretty much name all our friends.

-For almost a week, they knew that their birthday was coming up! And there were going to be cake, candles, food, friends, balloons!

-We are almost in to 3T clothes, 2T/24 months are mostly too small. I am missing all those cute-cute baby clothes! Diaper still size 6. Going to have to upgrade their shoes to 8 and 9 for RT and RM respectively.

-We are going through phases of being a picky eater.

-Potty training hasn't really commenced. They can pee on demand when they are getting ready for their bath, but poo-poo signs are not very concrete... so we haven't gone all out.

-Grandma is here... she headed our way especially for their birthday! A lot of pampering and attention is on the cards for the next several weeks!

We had a celebration with friends at the local Y with friends and family on March 24th... and a small celebration at hone on their actual birthday March 26th.